
How divorce affects children

Anuradha Fonseka
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

In Sri Lanka although the marriage is considered to be a sacred occasion in one’s life, the percentage of divorces cases are increasing day by day. These phenomenons seem contradictory yet it is the bitter truth the Sri Lankans have to face. We can scrutinize different basis for this crisis and also the repercussions.

The divorce they say is caused as a result of lack of understanding between the husband and wife. Haste decisions which result in a marriage between two can cause them to be fed up of each other in no time. Once they fail to understand their other half, they tend to fall out of each other and it will result in divorce. Let that be the main reason yet we can identify many other social issues which are responsible for this. The stress caused by the hectic life led by the competitive economy results in couples to enjoy their sex lives less and it could ultimately cause them to be attracted by some other of the different sex.

While the above mentioned are a few reasons to divorce, let us now pay our attention to the victims of divorce. According to my perception the major party who suffer inestimably are the children if the couple who chose to divorce have any. They undergo a great deal of depression and suffering from the day their parents chose to hate each other and fall out of love. The researchers have initiated that the relationship between the parents directly cause the personality of a child. Thus in this scenario when a child experiences extreme hatred and disagreement between his parents it could directly affect his own family life in years in the future and for the while his teachers might recognize him to be a quarrelsome child with unaccepted behaviour.

The divorce can also affect the attitude of a child towards his parents. If his parents have any affair with a third person and if they use harsh words in quarrels, he might lose the respect, love and gratitude he held so far for the parent might be devastated. In the future when the parents get old, he may tend not to take care of them as a result of the lack of love and respect.

Those are some of the repercussions of divorce which affect the child internally while we can also identify many aftermath which are caused externally on the child as well. One of the major nuisances the child may face is the attitude he gets from the society. Although the attitudes of the society should not be cared by anyone, a child whose parents are divorced or about to get divorce facing such attitudes negatively cannot be avoided. People might look at him with sympathy or scorn. The child might find it difficult to deal with those attitudes of people as well as his mates. The result of these attitudes might affect the child depending on the strength he consists in his personality. If he is a small child he might find it extremely difficult to deal with the society. It might affect his social life as well as the stability of his mind which will ultimately affect his personality.
If the child is a girl, it could affect her worse. When the girl reaches the age of marriage, the divorce of her parents might affect the acceptance of the groom’s parents to their marriage. Since Sri Lanka is considered to be country with great cultural values, they might perhaps dislike the girl because of her family states. It could affect the entire future of the girl gravely. It can also affect the social relationships of the girl which might ultimately result in the stability of her mind.

The above discussed are a few drops of the sea of repercussions of divorce affected on the children. Consequently any duo, especially if they have children should rethink of the divorce and try to minimize the chances of divorce. As a whole everyone who is about to get married should rethink of their decision for the reason that a wrong decision can harm the future of an unborn human being.

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